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Showing posts from October, 2019

Once you start writing keep going with no breaks!

Sit and write and don't even stand up or go for a pee until you're done writing an entire novel in one sitting! Just kidding. But seriously now, I want to make a point about taking breaks. I just re-wrote the last half of chapter 1 in my current WIP . And now I'm staring at the blank screen of what will be chapter 2. I had previously written all the way through 2 chapters, but that was a month ago and I stopped writing. When I came back to my manuscript I hated the direction the story was taking because I also realised I was brainstorming it while not actually writing. Sometimes I forget my own writing rules. That's why I blog post about it. To remind myself. But the way I roll is by the seat of my pants. When I plot, outline, and/or brainstorm, whilst not actually writing, my manuscript suffers and so do my stress levels. Writing is fun for me and I do it in the moment. We live in the moment, and the best writers create that way too. So when I stopped wri

Pain & Sorrow

I thought about how to possibly start writing this blog post and it made me think of the other time in my past when I overcame painful suffering in my life.  This blog post is about how I naturally overcame anxiety, physical pain, and depression without drugs. As in, anti-depressants etc. On the contrary, the removal of drugs from my life sorted me out.   As for the other time in my past when I suffered greatly, that was purely mental. However, our brains are inside our bodies as a whole. And those of us who have suffered mentally know full well it is a physical pain too. I'll address this later.   How I Overcame Anxiety & Depression   Up till my mid-thirties I thought anxiety attacks were made-up by wimps who wanted attention. And when I deigned to acknowledge someone's anxiety as being real, I was of the mind to tell them to just get over it.  Oh how my world of arrogance came crashing down around me to the depths of my quivering soul, when my first ever an

Rivers of London & Inspiration Ramblings

A couple weeks ago I asked Twitter for book recommends with stories where a main character discovers magic, like Harry Potter. I prefer reading and writing fiction that way. I don't like stories where magic is already known. Like with A Discovery of Witches . I thought I'd try that book out, but it wasn't a brand new discovery, she was already a witch, so I did not carry on reading that one. And remember, when I say I read books, what I really mean is that I listen to them as audiobooks. I'm afraid the last book I read with my eyeballs did a number on my noggin, pain wise. So as of earlier this year I can now only consume books in audio format. This is because I do so much writing, screen staring, and paper and pen ogling on a daily basis. I'm afraid my poor eyeballs and brain can no longer tolerate other writer's works. Thank fuck for audiobooks, podcasts, etc! I love them. I seriously digressed there. I was talking about Twitter. So anyway, someone on there