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Showing posts from February, 2021

How to write a novel if you've a short attention span

  Having a short attention span is a good thing, honestly. Especially in writing. Short stories, essays, blog posts, articles, content / copy writing. If you have a short attention span it means you highly focus and concentrate on one thing while you're working on it. However, be forewarned, if that focus is interrupted it tends to evaporate from interest with instant effect. For example, I'll make this blog post as short and to the point as possible. I don't want to lose your interest by rambling. I myself almost lost interest in posting this in the time it took my old computer to start up so I could begin writing it! So basically in order to write an entire novel (which takes more than one sitting, writing being interrupted by the need to eat and sleep, amongst other things) I write short stories and then put them together as one entire book. Initially I'll get an idea in my mind for a whole novel. I'll write it down and then become frustrated when I write the fir