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Rivers of London & Inspiration Ramblings

A couple weeks ago I asked Twitter for book recommends with stories where a main character discovers magic, like Harry Potter. I prefer reading and writing fiction that way. I don't like stories where magic is already known. Like with A Discovery of Witches. I thought I'd try that book out, but it wasn't a brand new discovery, she was already a witch, so I did not carry on reading that one. And remember, when I say I read books, what I really mean is that I listen to them as audiobooks. I'm afraid the last book I read with my eyeballs did a number on my noggin, pain wise. So as of earlier this year I can now only consume books in audio format. This is because I do so much writing, screen staring, and paper and pen ogling on a daily basis. I'm afraid my poor eyeballs and brain can no longer tolerate other writer's works. Thank fuck for audiobooks, podcasts, etc! I love them.

I seriously digressed there. I was talking about Twitter. So anyway, someone on there suggested the book Rivers of London to me. I started listening to it and got hooked. I'm on book 3 now, I think. Whispers Underground, anyway. I'm a bit distraught over Lesley May's character though. Her face was ruined and I hope she gets it sorted out eventually.

I've also googled to try and see if there's artist's renditions of Lesley's ruined face, thereby enabling me to further discover that there are graphic novels of the Rivers of London stories out there. I read the Wiki of Ben Aaronovitch. He's written loads and I was pleased to see he has a blogspot. Not a lot of us google bloggers around anymore. Everyone switched to Wordpress, or simply no longer blogging at all. There's no money in it, so I don't blame them. lol

I also googled the narrator of these books to discover they're read by a chap who was in Dr Strange and whom also was in a play with Benedict Cumberbatch. At least that's the interesting bits I gathered from the internet.

Really I should be writing my own fiction. I should always be writing rather than crocheting and listening to audibooks. My current WIP is an action-packed sci-fi novel. But now I'm wondering if I could start a new series of books with a main character who discovers a library that's inclusive of magic and science, and other worlds in the cosmos that have always implemented both, naturally. Who will she be? My MC. Where does she come from? I don't know, and perhaps she doesn't either... yet.

I can paint a picture of Leslie's ruined face in my mind as the author describes it, but unless I put pencil to paper, the image of her face twists and moves in my brain, and I'm unable to envision her countenance properly. Time for some drawing to further procrastinate my own fiction writing. Well, until my books are in popular demand, it's not like I've got rabid fan readers urging me on to write my next amazing tome of entertainment! If I do say so myself. I'm just entertaining myself when I write, and I think I much prefer to listen to other authors' works than write my own, at the moment. My excuse is I've had a nasty cold all week. Ah-choo. Please bless  me, for I have sneezed.

There are a few Lesley May images from graphic novels on google, but I need these books to be made into movies, with me doing the casting. And that's another long ass blog post indeed. Toodles.


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