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I Am Obsessed With Rings of Power

I just watched episode 4 of season 2 and spoilers ahead, we have Ents, Tom Bombadil, and more of poor Elrond being right. Actually wait, I’ve gone back through seasons 1 and 2 for the umpteenth time. I’m rewatching episode one of season two and feeling very sorry for poor Elrond who will never see peace because of the rings until Frodo. We are talking thousands of years, but then again elves are immortal. 

(please note I dictated most of this post, so bear with while I edit)

Seriously though I am watching this show on repeat way too much, and the only other thing I’m watching Is Interview with the Vampire season two. Imagine my surprise when one of the vampire characters is also an elf in season 2 of RoP.

I’m so obsessed with rings of power that it’s giving me a headache and the other night I had a nightmare about Galadriel. Probably because she’s so frustratingly obsessed with salon and her ring. But can we blame her ladies? Come on Sauron and fair form wink wink.

But I get so emotional the whole time I’m watching this show. I remember back to when I was a kid and we used to have to watch the Lord of the rings cartoon back in the 1970s. I think it was actually amazing when watching it back then because they use the true life movements and put cartoonage over it for the film.

Also, I swear Sauron’s nose is different. We see him lie at Adar’s feet to swear fealty with his usual nose from season 1. Then the next time Sauron is on screen his nose looks weird when he’s on a horse entering Lindon to see Celebrimbor. Honestly, Sauron’s nose looks more bulgy. I’m telling you I notice many things. I just watch both seasons on repeat.


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