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I would do anything to be in Rings of Power

And/or write for it. Well, maybe not. I enjoy seeing what the writers and actors portray with every new episode. 

Spoilers ahead.

But also in my humble opinion, the actor who stopped playing Adar in season 1 made the wrong choice. If I was in this show, I would devote my life to it, and I wouldn’t care if I was typecast and it was the only acting job I ever had. But then again, I’m not him. So far the new Adar actor is okay, just takes some getting used to his face, especially when I keep watching season one and two all over again and again. 

Also, the actress who played mother . I just call her mother because her son says it so much it’s annoying in the first season. But yeah, she also left the show so they just killed her character off. Which I guess is fine except her character was very central in season one. I guess the actor had her reasons for not staying in the show for even the second season. I think this is the most obsessed I’ve ever been with a TV show.

But I’m just watching it while I sit and eat . So it takes me ages to get through it. I’m just not watching anything else apart from Only Murders in the Building. I don’t actually watch a lot of TV every day. I’m not sat in front of the screen for hours and hours. It literally only takes me like 5 to 10 minutes to eat and watch a bit of Rings of Power at the same time. And then it’s back to recovery and responsibilities. 

Since I started blogging again, I’ve made myself seem like a TV-oholic. But I don’t binge watch all night like I used to, and I don’t even watch movies all in one go.

I’m still dealing with hyperthyroidism and the next six weeks are going to be telling. I will have a blood test and the endocrinologist will be able to let me know about my thyroid health. This has plagued me for years and I only got diagnosed months ago finally. So of course mainly I’m in bed, but responsibilities need doing no matter what. So it’s okay for me to have one little obsession of 10 minutes three times a day watching TV. And then sometimes blogging about it, which takes about 15 minutes.

I was just so upset by season two episode five, maybe my obsession will ease if the show is just completely dark and depressing from now on. I absolutely hate that woman and that boy in Numenor. I am so mad and sad that they killed off Valandil. So angry! 😡 


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