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Inconsistencies Between Seasons 1 & 2 - Rings of Power

Told you I'm obsessed with this show. I just keep watching it on repeat while I eat. And when I'm eating I'm taking a break from my own romantasy novel writing. Or I'm sitting down to catch my breath, I have an illness. Or I watch it over again between chores, errands, life.

Now I'm sure the writers and creators of the show have written every episode of however many seasons are intended to be made. Which is hopefully loads. Right now we are up to Season 2 episode 4 of weekly releases. So I don't know if the inconsistencies I've spotted will be addressed later in the season or new seasons years from now. I certainly hope I'm not that obsessed in ten years! That would be sad. It's just that I have a lot of time to try and recover by taking things very easy while hopefully I can overcome this illness, so I have the time.

I don't like to call them 'plot holes' because I've worked on sets and I've written scripts and plot holes are more to do with, for example Tolkien canon. People are comparing Tolkien's writings with what Rings of Power is doing with its scripts, and of course these people don't know what they are banging on about. It's all fiction and the Rings of Power writers and creators are expanding Tolkien's canon how they see fit. It's allowed. They aren't changing anything, they are telling the story that came before Lord of the Rings, they aren't about to make Isildur actually throw the ring into Mount Doom or anything like that, and that's what these plot-holers are whining about, wrongly.

Anyway, on with the comparisons between seasons 1 and 2.

In the first episode of season two, they show Sauron being stabbed after a speech he gives about orcs dying if they agree to help him access the dark realm (can’t remember what it’s called right now). In season 1 episode 1 Galadriel and her unit come across the same dark ice castle but orc experimentation did take place, which is ignored / erased in season 2 episode 1.

Ok Galadriel says ‘these orcs were meddling with the powers of the UNSEEN WORLD.

So it was the orcs themselves experimenting on each other?

Well then that ruins what Adar said when he claimed Sauron did those experiments and Adar got tired of Sauron killing his orcs, so he killed Sauron, or thought he did.

In season 1 Galadriel realises the mark on her brother by Sauron is a map. Does that mean Sauron built the dam device that would create Mordor once the trenches were dug? So how did Adar come across the plans for Mordor’s making? I guess Sauron told him? When did Sauron have time to make the dam that would trigger the volcanic eruption once the water trench ways were dug?

Grim, but apt and poignant. Notice how the water runs read with human and elf blood once the damn is released. There are so many eye-popping moments in seasons one and two that probably the writers are hoping no one will notice the plot-holes? Haha, just kidding: the inconsistencies.

Well we shall see if they are sorted out further in season 2 episodes. Or the writers and creators of the show could contact me. I have analysed shows and movies before, not only scripts, but also editing visuals, both after and during filming. It's fun for me. Maybe I could become like the Luna Lovegood actress of Rings of Power, but who would I play? I'm a brown woman. I'm fat. I'm going to be fifty soon ish! I do clean up well though, honest.

I guess my next blog post will be me having scoured my Tolkien reading memory for Second Age characters I could become more obsessed with and take on the role of myself. Why not? Yay!

Ooh, I think I already have one character idea...


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