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Rings of Power alternate fanfiction brainstorming

Let’s create some fanfiction based off rings of power. What if Sauron had stayed on Numenor and Galadriel had escaped the very first day they arrived, and left for middle earth on her own. Sauron would have never got the idea for the rings. 

I have two ideas I want to contrast. 1. Sauron works in Numinor at the forge/blacksmith’s, maybe he finds a way to influence Numinor to help him conquer all. 2. What other path could Sauron take on Numinor? Does every path for him lead to evil? Or does he try to remain calm and reflect on his wrong doings? Was it only the possibility of the rings that reignited his desire to rule over all middle earth? 

1. Sauron’s Manipulation in Númenor. Without the inspiration from the creation of the Rings, Sauron focuses his dark ambitions on Númenor itself. He cleverly integrates himself into the society, taking up a position at the forge or blacksmith’s guild where he uses his considerable skills to subtly sow discord. He could create powerful, enchanted weapons and artifacts, which he uses to influence key figures in Númenorean politics and military circles. Over time, Sauron could manipulate the growing sense of fear and paranoia among the Númenoreans, leading them to aggressive expansionist policies. This would create internal strife and weaken Númenor from within, making it ripe for his eventual domination. Sauron's goal shifts from the Rings to orchestrating a grand conquest, using the chaos and confusion he instigates to ultimately bend Númenor to his will. 

2. Sauron’s Redemption Path in Númenor. Sauron, upon arriving in Númenor, reflects on his past misdeeds and contemplates a different path. Instead of pursuing further darkness, he chooses to live a more humble existence, dedicating himself to the betterment of Númenor. He starts working on repairing and improving the lives of the people, attempting to atone for his past wrongs. Sauron’s presence leads to a period of prosperity and enlightenment in Númenor, as he uses his knowledge to aid the society in a genuine and constructive manner. However, his past reputation and the inherent darkness within him constantly threaten this newfound path. His internal struggle with his nature and the temptation to return to his old ways are central to this narrative. The question remains whether he can truly change or if the allure of power will ultimately pull him back into darkness. 

Either way Galadriel would have to fight against Sauron again because here's my idea for number 2:

Galadriel goes to Middle Earth on her own and witnesses the creation of Mordor. She's still determined to find and kill Sauron, but now she has to contend with Adar and his orc horde. Galadriel doesn't know that Adar is also trying to find and kill Sauron again, because he heard rumour that he's reborn. Galadriel hears of the good Sauron has done in Numinor and goes back to him for aid. Sauron/Halbrand has major power in Numenor now and he convinces the queen regent to go to Galadriel's aid. Then of course once back in Middle Earth Sauron meets with Celebrimbor and from there his power hungry will takes hold and the story of the rings unfolds once again.

I mean, there could be many paths that lead to the rings being forged. I'm just flexing my fan fiction wings to inspire more avenues of creativity in my mind. I think writing fan fiction is a great way to expand creativity. I could even put up fan fiction stories on Wattpad and my author pen name there could link to my own unique fiction that's for sale. Because you can't earn on fan fiction. Fan fiction is great practice for the imagination. I was always against it, but now I take all creative avenues on board. I used to hate ghost writers, and now I am one. I've taken on many creative outlet projects over the years. It's all creative writing and it all contributes to an author's development.

Maybe I'll write up fan fiction episodes for Rings of Power season 3. Or maybe even fan fiction alternate episodes for season 2, starting with episode 5 which was really too dark for my liking.


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