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Rings of Power season 2 annihilated me

Warning: Spoilers ahead! If you haven’t seen all episodes of  Rings of Power seasons one and two, you may want to stop reading now—unless you’re ready to spare yourself some emotional anguish. Each episode left me with a deep sense of hopelessness. The good characters are relentlessly downtrodden, while the villains triumph, mutilate, and kill without reprieve. Season one filled me with hope, especially towards the end, when it became clear that the falling star was most likely Gandalf. However, season two has left me with little desire to continue watching. For context, I’ve rewatched season one numerous times while doing crochet, but I haven’t been able to bring myself to revisit the final episode of season two even once. I despise all the villains, of course, with Sauron being pure malevolence. But to me, the most detestable character by far is Kemen. I endured his scenes the first time, but if I ever rewatch season two, I will unapologetically fast-forward through every moment he’s

Apparently that was not my last blog post, teehee

I am afraid. I’m scared that if I continue writing chapter three of my current manuscript, I’m going to fuck it all up. You must understand that 15 years is a long time to write every day not feeling like you’ve found your niche. And I have restarted this manuscript for months now. That’s every day restarting after writing about two chapters. Countless versions of this novel have begun and ended because I was not happy with the character I was creating and the style I was using. But I managed to completely write a prologue that I am 100% happy with, and from there I started deleting chapter 1 because it wasn’t flowing right from the prologue. Until yesterday when I completed chapter 1 to my liking. It’s as simple as that. I finally have a prologue and a first chapter, basically after 15 years of writing and deleting every day. Well, in between books I actually did finish. So now that I’m on chapter two I really don’t want to screw this up. I don’t want to end up deleting again and agai

Last Blog Post

 For a while? Forever? I don’t know if this will be my last blog post ever. I am switching to my pen blogging because I am finally excited and writing with flow, So I want to express that exuberance on my pen name blog rather than spending time with this blog obsessing over one TV show. I couldn’t bring myself to rewatch season two episode five for a second time, And that’s telling because I have been rewatch every other episode before on repeat since the start of season two. But I finally sorted out my own fiction writing today and I want to get stuck in more So that’s a good thing And I’m sorry this blog post is so sloppy, but I’m dictating it because I’m in a hurry Maybe I will block again on here in future, but for now I’m all about my fantasy romance novel. I am feeling so excited about it.

I would do anything to be in Rings of Power

And/or write for it. Well, maybe not. I enjoy seeing what the writers and actors portray with every new episode.  Spoilers ahead. But also i n my humble opinion, the actor who stopped playing Adar in season 1  made the wrong choice. If I was in this show, I would devote my life to it, and I wouldn’t care if I was typecast and it was the only acting job I ever had. But then again, I’m not him. So far the new Adar actor is okay, just takes some getting used to his face, especially when I keep watching season one and two all over again and again.   Also, the actress who played mother . I just call  her mother because her son says it so much it’s annoying in the first season. But yeah, she also left the show so they just killed her character off. Which I guess is fine except her character was very central in season one. I guess the actor had her reasons for not staying in the show for even the second season. I think this is the most obsessed I’ve ever been with a TV show. But I’m just watc

Rings of Power alternate fanfiction brainstorming

Let’s create some fanfiction based off rings of power. What if Sauron had stayed on Numenor and Galadriel had escaped the very first day they arrived, and left for middle earth on her own. Sauron would have never got the idea for the rings.  I have two ideas I want to contrast. 1. Sauron works in Numinor at the forge/blacksmith’s, maybe he finds a way to influence Numinor to help him conquer all. 2. What other path could Sauron take on Numinor? Does every path for him lead to evil? Or does he try to remain calm and reflect on his wrong doings? Was it only the possibility of the rings that reignited his desire to rule over all middle earth?  1. Sauron’s Manipulation in Númenor. Without the inspiration from the creation of the Rings, Sauron focuses his dark ambitions on Númenor itself. He cleverly integrates himself into the society, taking up a position at the forge or blacksmith’s guild where he uses his considerable skills to subtly sow discord. He could create powerful, enchanted wea

Rings of Power season 2 episode 5

Well that episode really annoyed me. I don’t think I’ll rewatch that one again and again.  Beware major spoilers ahead.  It was all sad sad sad. Previous episodes have had some lifting moments, but not this one. Things just go from bad to worse to darker still. ☹️ So yeah I guess Valandil is off the show now. I can’t let myself get too upset about these things (even though I’m pissed off and gutted like he was) because it’s just a show. But man, I hate Eärien and Kemen. The writers have done a good job getting them to be horrible. And of course we can see the manipulation that Sauron is inflicting on Celebrimbor. As I watch this show it makes me think of Eru looking down on creation and I see his beings as children who make mistakes. The elves are trying so hard to fight against evil, but it seems to me they are the most susceptible to manipulation.  The dwarves deep in their mountain are tough little things. The realms of men on the one extreme we have the great island city of Numenor

Only Murders in the Building, Season 4 episode 3

Wow, I can’t believe we are on season four already. I am so glad this show exists and keeps going. Somehow they always manage to make up a new murder in the same building. How do they do it? Oh yeah, it’s fiction. Anything goes, and this season is probably the funniest so far .  We are on season four episode three and spoilers ahead; I just loved the scene with Martin Short and  Zach Galifianakis  doing the 1980s sitcom intro together. That wasn't the only funny bit though. Lots of giggles already, but crying too. Gosh it's sad that Sazz was killed. I’m glad this season is really funny though. As you know Steve Martin and Martin Short are comedians. That’s why I started watching in the first place. Two major comedy actors and writers from my childhood and teen years. Yes, I’m Gen X. I think that’s a pretty good generation to be apart from the fact that we were raised by boomers and Elon Musk is also Gen X. Barf.  Anyway, I used to have a major crush on Steve Martin when he was

I hope for dragons

In Rings of Power we’ve only seen dragons in battle for a brief scene when Morgoth first started war in middle earth. That was a glimpse in season 1 episode 1. So will there be more dragons? We are up to episode 4 of season 2 and I hope to Eru that there are actual dragons yet to come! Every fantasy story needs dragons, without dragons it’s not fantasy. Fact. I can’t wait to add dragons into my own romantasy. I have three kingdoms created so far, and I’m exploring my magics. But I haven’t made room for dragons yet in my mind, on the page, in the story, or even on the land and in the air. Dragons are big in more ways than just presence. It’s going to be so interesting to see where my dragons emerge, and will they be good dragons or will they be monstrous and evil? So far, my three main magics stand apart from each other, but what if the Dragons have to do with something powerfully connective.  I hope I keep this blog alive so that one day when my first ever romantasy novel is published,

Inconsistencies Between Seasons 1 & 2 - Rings of Power

Told you I'm obsessed with this show. I just keep watching it on repeat while I eat. And when I'm eating I'm taking a break from my own romantasy novel writing. Or I'm sitting down to catch my breath, I have an illness. Or I watch it over again between chores, errands, life. Now I'm sure the writers and creators of the show have written every episode of however many seasons are intended to be made. Which is hopefully loads. Right now we are up to Season 2 episode 4 of weekly releases. So I don't know if the inconsistencies I've spotted will be addressed later in the season or new seasons years from now. I certainly hope I'm not that obsessed in ten years! That would be sad. It's just that I have a lot of time to try and recover by taking things very easy while hopefully I can overcome this illness, so I have the time. I don't like to call them 'plot holes' because I've worked on sets and I've written scripts and plot holes are mor

Remember the pandemic?

 No? Me either. We don’t really think about it these days anymore do we? It’s only in reading my past blog posts that I remembered we had a pandemic just a couple years ago. And it ruined my writing life, if I’m being honest. I haven’t published anything since before the pandemic. I just couldn’t write during the lockdowns and I never really picked it back up. I won’t say the pandemic completely ruined my life, because I’m happy now with what I do have and my loved ones, but it did change my life in very serious ways. Mentally for me, the fact that it destroyed my ability to write did a number on my headspace. Eventually, I did catch covid. Luckily, it was after I’d had the vaccine. I was very sick when I had Covid and I know I would’ve been even sicker if I hadn’t been inoculated. Now that I’ve been diagnosed with hyperthyroidism in 2024 I realise the virus that damaged my thyroid came about when I caught Covid and it weakened my entire body. So yeah, I’ve been suffering chronic illne

Interview With the Vampire Weirdo

Sometimes I just wish I could watch things like a normal person, but I swear I'm too weird. Or maybe not. It all worked out for me in the end, yay. I just watched season 2 of Interview With the Vampire. I wasn’t able to enjoy the whole thing until the very end. I overthink everything to a fault. I just have Anne Rice’s original books in the back of my mind and spoilers ahead, we all know Armand kills Claudia because he wants Louie for himself.  So there I am watching season 2 knowing it’s all Armand, and the writing can’t confuse me by showing scenes where he’s helpless. He has power over them all, I scoffed the whole way through watching every episode, because of course I knew Armand was lying. And that took away my ability to watch the show and enjoy it.  Because I do like how it’s been changed and brought into modernity with gay relationships and more diversity with races. These issues actually hearken back to Anne’s original prose. And I mean her first three or four novels in h

I Am Obsessed With Rings of Power

I just watched episode 4 of season 2 and spoilers ahead, we have Ents, Tom Bombadil, and more of poor Elrond being right. Actually wait, I’ve gone back through seasons 1 and 2 for the umpteenth time. I’m rewatching episode one of season two and feeling very sorry for poor Elrond who will never see peace because of the rings until Frodo. We are talking thousands of years, but then again elves are immortal.  (please note I dictated most of this post, so bear with while I edit) Seriously though I am watching this show on repeat way too much, and the only other thing I’m watching Is Interview with the Vampire season two. Imagine my surprise when one of the vampire characters is also an elf in season 2 of RoP. I’m so obsessed with rings of power that it’s giving me a headache and the other night I had a nightmare about Galadriel. Probably because she’s so frustratingly obsessed with salon and her ring. But can we blame her ladies? Come on Sauron and fair form wink wink. But I get so emotion

Writing Two Novels at the Same Time

Am I crazy? I just had this brainwave idea to write two novels at the same time. this big idea of mine stems from the fact that both novels are in completely different genres but I’ve managed to create the same theme for both books. It goes along with the tip: write what you know. I know a premise for one novel that I want to write in a normal genre, but it also gives me everything I need to swap it into a magical genre. This is just such a mind blowing notion for me. I am absolutely loving how both stories already unfold in my mind as completely opposite and yet the same books. To explain, I’ll start with the first chapter. Let’s say I am beginning with the magical novel, i’ll write the first chapter of that and believe or not the theme of it is the same as my non-magical novel. By changing the characters and settings the main themes are the same by making magical characters and non-magical characters. It’s simple really and when both books are finished and published and best sellers.

A Baby Orc!

This blog post may contain spoilers, if you haven’t yet watched up to episode three season two of Rings of Power.  And yes, there’s an orc baby! The idea of such a thing let me to write an entire essay about it. And my theory is that  J.R.R. Tolkien’s legendarium is rich with complex mythologies and detailed genealogies that explain the origins of various races and creatures in Middle-earth. Among these, the orcs are one of the most enigmatic and morally challenging beings. Tolkien’s writings present multiple, sometimes conflicting, accounts of how orcs came to be, leaving their origins and nature somewhat ambiguous. This complexity has led to various interpretations and theories about the evolution of orcs. One compelling theory posits that orcs, despite their universally malevolent portrayal, could have diverse origins that reflect different branches of evolution within the species. These branches include corrupted Elves, naturally breeding orcs, and those created through dark sorcer

Chick Lit

 I just listened to a Romantic Comedy novel on Audible. I haven't done that in a while. I can't quite believe I was in the mood for it, but since I moved back to my home town I've been so happy, and I guess Chick Lit is my happy place when it comes to writing. So maybe I'll write a new chick lit novel. I mean, the rom com I just 'read' wasn't hilarious, unless you consider the scenarios to be hilariously improbable in real life, but I was okay with that. The story was cute, and sometimes that's all I want. My most recent WIP is a science fiction novel. It's starting out under water. Or the main character being immersed in some kind of mysterious liquid anyway. And of course I want to finish writing it, I'd like to finish everything I start, but my brain wanders and I haven't finished anything since my last publication of Lament No Pain. Which was only a short story, so that was easy to finish in a short amount of time. Well it doesn't rea